This agent was an Ethos fan even before joining FFL

This FFL agent discovered Ethos for his own family before he could even sell it, making him an early fan!
michael barlettano quote
“It’s a pretty easy sell”

FFL agent Michael Barlettano purchased a policy through Ethos when his own son was born, and his former agency didn’t have many good options. 

“It was the best price with the most coverage, the quickest underwriting decision, and everyone loves no medical.”

Now that he’s finally able to sell life through Ethos, “I feel like I’m sending out quotes for Ethos daily,” says Michael. “It’s a pretty easy sell.”

Hear Michael's story

What’s Ethos again?
Ethos provides agents and their clients with up to $2M in instant, accessible life insurance through a 100% online application.