Ethos Fresh Abandon Cart Leads

These are high-intent leads that started an application and are interested in purchasing life insurance but did not complete the application.
agent on phone
Here’s what to do
  1. Take a service-oriented approach. Our leads are ready to buy life insurance and they need your assistance. In order to help them find the right coverage for their needs, find out why they’re looking for life insurance, and what questions they had about the application.
  2. Follow up with every lead as soon as possible. Call the lead and use our scripts to close the sale.
Proven phone scripts from other agents

“Hey, this is [NAME]. I am a licensed rep at [AGENCY NAME] and we work with Ethos. We noticed that you didn’t complete the application online. If you’re like most people, you didn’t get the pricing or the coverage you were looking for. I’m just reaching out to you to see how I can help.”

"Hey, my name is [NAME]. I am a licensed rep at [AGENCY NAME] and we work with Ethos. You started filling out an Ethos application and for some reason, whether you had questions about life insurance or life just got in the way, you stopped the application midway and I’d like to learn how I can help you today.”

Watch more tips and tricks from agents on how they boosted their sales with our leads.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do these leads come from? 

All Ethos leads are sourced from our direct-to-consumer business. This means that a customer went directly to our website to apply for life insurance. None of our leads are sourced from agents.

How long are these leads exclusive to me? 

These leads are exclusive for 30 days. The time to act is now! If you sell a policy to your lead, follow the current process to disposition your lead in Integrity Lead Center for it to not be resold.

Do I have to sell these leads a policy through Ethos?

We always recommend providing the best option for your clients. You can use Ethos or other carriers that are contracted with your agency. These leads have already started an application through Ethos, so you can likely sell a policy faster by helping them complete our application. We offer instant approval for 95% of applicants with no medical exam.*

How does Ethos ensure I get attribution for activation of an Ethos policy?

Best practice is to call leads several times before sending your agent website link. If you send the link, let them know that they should call you to finish the application together on the phone. Use the Agent-Assisted App to ensure you get credit for the sale. 

How do I know when there are new leads in my area? 

Sign up for alerts in the Integrity Lead Center. Whenever new inventory is added to a specific zip code, you’ll be the first to know!

*Just a few health questions