Build Your Agency with Ethos

Build your downlines and grow your revenue without the administrative work!

Build a team of agents under you to scale your business and revenue. Ethos handles the administrative work away so you can focus on recruiting and mentoring.

Add downlines
  • Quickly add downlines, individually or in bulk
  • Your team is automatically set up to access the agent portal & sell Ethos products
  • Build your hierarchy by adding sales managers
Set compensation
  • Set compensation by deciding your override commission
  • Ethos handles direct deposit, commission calculation, and commission splits for you and your team
  • Your downline's production helps you reach higher compensation rates
Provide training
  • Ethos provides high quality training, resources & guides you can use to train your team

Watch this training to learn how to recruit & train your downline


How should I set compensation for my downlines?
Your own compensation is set based on your annualized in-force premium. You can set your override commission above, which sets your downlines’ compensation in turn.

Example: If you are eligible for a 100% commission for Ethos Term Life - Prime, you can set your override commission to 10%, so your downline agents will receive 80%.

Will I be able to see my downlines’ production?
Yes! You will be able to track their production in the Earnings tab of the agent portal.

When can I start recruiting?
You can start adding your team right away. We recommend writing your first couple policies through Ethos prior to this so that you can take advantage of the additional resources you receive during your first month and get to know the process!

What resources am I expected to provide my downlines?
Your expectations as an upline are:

  • Training on topics such as sales coaching and development, lead acquisition and management, sales conversation, and more.
  • Setting goals to hold your downline accountable, such as number of calls, leads or applications submitted

Ethos helps by providing:

How can I adjust compensation?
As your production grows, you may want to change your override commission to reflect business priorities. Update or manage compensation by submitting this form.