6 common life insurance sales objections (and how to respond)

Hitting a brick wall with your client? No problem. Below we explore the most common objections clients have to life insurance, and effective responses to help you seal the sale.
# 1 “I’m not interested.”

How to respond “I understand, [ClientName]. Many of the clients I’ve worked with have said they’re not interested, only to find out that our offerings are different from what they’ve seen in the past and typically meet their needs.

All I need is a few minutes of your time to show you how this works. What you do with that information is up to you. Can we speak tomorrow at [2], or would [10] work better?”

Messaging checklist
❒ Address the customer by name.
❒ Affirm that others have felt the same way.
❒ Highlight the brevity of the meeting

# 2 “Can you send me some information?”

How to respond “My goal as your agent is to make sure you understand exactly what your options are and how they will work for you. That way there aren’t any surprises, and we get the perfect fit for your needs.

The best way for me to do that is to show you. Do you have a few minutes [today after 4 p.m.] or [tomorrow after 11 a.m.] to learn more about your options?”

Messaging checklist
❒ Remind them that you’re a professional.
❒ Stress the importance of show vs. tell.
❒ Present a few meeting times that might work for them.

# 3 “I already have life insurance.”

How to respond “Congratulations on making the decision to protect your family. Just out of curiosity, how much life insurance do you have?

OK, got it. How did you come to that amount? Has anyone ever shown you exactly how much life insurance you should have? Also, is that coverage tied to your employer or anything else that could change, resulting in a loss of coverage?”

Messaging checklist
❒ Congratulate the customer for making a good decision.
❒ Try to understand how they came to the amount they have.
❒ Offer to do a proper needs assessment and analysis for the client and other parties (spouse, children).

# 4 “It’s too expensive. I wasn’t planning to spend that much.”

How to respond “I bet you’re a bit like me and want to make sure you receive value for every penny you spend. I hear this often.

We’ve already identified your need for life insurance. And at the end of the day, what’s going to cost more: paying the premium or avoiding insurance and possibly leaving your family in need some day?

You won’t solve this problem by not getting insurance. Why don’t we start with this plan? Or would you prefer to see a lower quote?”

Messaging checklist
❒ Remind them of the need they are trying to solve for.
❒ Remind them of the solution.
❒ Present alternative solutions if necessary.

# 5 “Let me think about it, and let me talk to my [spouse, child, friend] about it.”

How to respond “I completely understand. Deciding on the right plan is something that everyone in the family needs to agree with. Is there something specific you need to go over with your [spouse, child, partner], and would you like me to connect with them to help explain?”

Messaging checklist
❒ Listen to the client’s objection/response.
❒ Reply with understanding, but resolve to solve the problem today.

# 6 “I already have someone that takes care of that for us.”

How to respond “It’s great that you already have some help with this. Life insurance needs can change over the years, and new solutions are being offered all the time. Would it be worth it to take a minute and check to ensure that you have the best solutions for your current needs.”

Messaging checklist
❒ Don’t put down who they’re working with or the work they’ve already done.
❒ Point out that they may have the opportunity for a valuable second opinion.
❒ Remind them that things change, and give them the option to take more control.

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