5 Steps to Setting Up a Facebook Lead Generation Campaign

A step-by-step guide for generating life insurance leads efficiently.

Social media is a need-to-tap resource when it comes to lead generation. Facebook, home to over 3 billion active users, is the most commonly mentioned platform for insurance information. Follow the six steps below to tap into these users through lead generation campaigns.

Step 1

Understand how Facebook advertising works
Facebook uses identity data (e.g., connections, physical location, websites visited) to target ads to specific users. Each time an ad can be shown to a user, an auction takes place among ads that are targeting a specific audience.

How does an ad auction work?
The winning ad is determined by the bid (amount advertisers are willing to pay to achieve their desired outcome), estimated action rate (probability the user shown the ad will convert), and ad quality (determined by several sources, including users viewing or hiding the ad).

Step 2

Get started with Facebook advertising
Ready to get started? If you already have a personal Facebook account, it’s fairly easy to add a business account. We recommend keeping your business and personal accounts separate.

Step 3

Set up your campaign
Use Facebook Ads Manager to create an awareness campaign for users who don’t know much about life insurance or a direct response campaign for educated users who are ready to buy.

Tip: Sign up for the Ethos to gain access to your personalized agent landing page.

Step 4

Target the right users
Facebook Ads Manager allows you to target by location, age, gender, interests, connections, relationship status, language, education, workplace, and device.

As you work on any targeted messaging, it’s important to consider a broad audience and avoid any discriminatory impact, even inadvertent discrimination.

You can also create custom audiences using an existing list (think: happy clients), which can then be used to build a “lookalike audience” that can drive leads.

Step 5

Optimize your campaigns
It takes time for the Facebook algorithm to optimize ad serving to your audience. The more data Facebook receives on the campaign, the better it’s able to optimize. We recommend running your campaign for at least two weeks. Refreshing and testing new creative, copy, and audiences helps keep campaigns fresh and can help you learn what works, faster.

Your Ethos marketing asset toolkit
Join Ethos for access to free resources including:

  • Webinar: Facebook marketing for agents
  • Download: Building a Facebook lead generation campaign
  • Ethos digital co-marketing toolkit

*Usage of the Ethos name or logo not already pre-approved requires review by the Ethos marketing and compliance teams.

Ready to get started?
Set up your campaign today.